Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blog Assignment 23: Helping 2013

Who I interviewed: Perla Villapuda
Date and Time: Thursday, April 26 1:00 P.M. in the Counseling Office

1. What ideas do you have for your senior project and why?
P: I don't really have a good idea but I was thinking like um.. you know like those kids that have mental problems-special kids. But the only thing is: What if I get stuck?
A: So you want to go into teaching Special Educaton?
P: Yeah, I guess you could say that.
A:Well, I think that's a good idea- my friend Diana is doing her project on teaching at-risk first graders and she's able to do her Service Learning at her old elementary school.

2. What do you plan to do over the summer to complete the 10 hours of Service Learning?
P: I haven't really thought about that just yet, but I know I could get ten hours done before school starts, I just need to settle on my topic.
A: Well if you do eventually decide to continue with Special Education, what could you do for Service Learning?
P: I guess I could go to one of the schools in my area and volunteer to work with the special children. But right now, i'm really just focusing on what my topic will be.
A: Yeah, definitely. A lot of schools are usually receptive to volunteers.

3. What do you expect to see when watching the senior presentations this year?
P: When I see the presentations, ill make notes to myself whether I thought they presented well or not or if I liked their project topic. I'll use it as kind of guide of what I might want to do my senior year.
A: That's really good, because I think a lot of juniors just used the time last year  and said"yaay we get out of class" and didn't really pay attention to the projects. But if you make like a mental list of what you liked and didn't like, then your'e off to a good start.

4. What Questions do you have about Senior Project?
P: Is it hard?
A: Yes, it is- not gonna lie. I guess it isn't that hard if you really have your stuff together and you turn in all your components on time, and take the time to get in depth with your topic then you should be fine. But I think the most important advise I can give you is: Don't procrastinate! Not trying to scare you or anything, but its just a giant snowball effect if you get in the habit of doing things last-minute.

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